Sunday, November 30, 2008

New House

Front of the house

driveway side
back of the house
another view of the back of the house
Marysa's Room obviously :)
Marysa's Chalkboard wall

built in desk between their room
kids bathroom

Dalton's Room (without power I didn't have much light. It is grey.

Dalton's Chalkboard wall

Foyer. The paint color doesn't look very acurate having to use a flash and no other lights

looking towards the back of the house in the living room

living room looking toward the front of the house

Our bedroom. The color is actually a brick red.

More acurate color of our room

Our bathroom, again not a very acurate color, it is more the color of a clay pot.

Kitchen, it is a burnt orange.

Utility room, this is actually the same color as the foyer, not peach as it looks on here.

half bath, same color as our bathroom

More acurate color of the bath and our bathroom

Lazy 5 Ranch