Saturday, September 11, 2010

Funny things my daughter says....

So I know it has been terribly long since I wrote anything on here...
Ok so I forgot I even had a blog, but I wanted to let you know what my tremendously smart daughter has told her father..
First of all let me say Marysa is so much like me that it is scary, and believe me I am NOT a morning person! So every morning before school we struggle to get going... I usually find her in my bed in the mornings (imagine that!) and start the waking up process at around 6:15 am. She grunts and groans and by 6:30 I am carrying her to the barstool in the kitchen, where I have fixed her breakfast. From there I go to her room and get her clothes and bring them to her, because she is still so tired and I am just trying to make it easier on her. She gets dressed after eating and I take her pj's and put them up and by this time she is coming around and puts her own shoes own and since she is still moving pretty slow I make her lunch..This is an every school day routine. Until the secret was told!!

So this Friday evening my husband tells me he has a secret! I have to promise I won't tell that I know the secret, to get him to tell me. So he proceeds to tell me that Marysa told him she couldn't wait until Saturday so she could get up early..he looks at her and asks her why she gets up so early on the weekends but school days are such a hassle. She tells him that she FAKES the school days..And do you want to know WHY she fakes that she is so tired on the school days?? Because Mommy will do everything for her!! What a sucker I am!!!Wow I love that little girl!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day of School 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dalton's 11th birthday

Since we no longer have birthday parties we asked Dalton what he would like to do special and he chose Carowinds with a friend. They both had a great time as you can see from our picture on the intimidator!! It is our favorite ride at the park!

Friday, June 18, 2010

I love this picture of my family :)
Beach trip 2010

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We had a great time this year at Myrtle Beach. We actually took a relaxing vacation and mostly lounged around the pool or the beach all day. No running around to different places. It was truly a VACATION. My best friend from elementary school was there at the same time and we got to meet up and let our kids play too.