Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Finally updating!

I know I said I would keep this updated! Oh well..I took the kids to the zoo, by myself! We stayed the night before at The Embassy in Columbia and the kids had a blast.They loved the hotel almost as much as the zoo! I made Marysa a zoo outfit complete with pink monkeys!! Then walked out of the house without all 3 of my cameras! I could have kicked myself! They met a couple of really cute kids and pretty much hung out with them all day. Dalton keeps asking me if we can go back and see them again.LOL! I told him I wish I could! It wasn't as hot as I thought it would be though. I am glad of that. I am ready to go again. I think I enjoyed it more than they did! We are going to the beach in a couple of weeks so I should have tons of pictures then!So look out!